Using Helm

The installation using helm is the most convenient way to get the Sentinel running.

Add helm repository

1helm add repo

Configure Sentinel

KeyDescriptptionDefault Value
auth.basic.userBasic auth username for acessing prometheussentinel
auth.basic.passwordBasic auth password for acessing prometheus

Example configuration

 2  basic:
 3    user: sentinel
 4    password:
 6  webhooks:
 7    - name: foo
 8      url: bar
 9  amqp:
10    - name: baz
11      host: hostname
12      port: 12345
13      username: bar
14      password: 

Deploy Sentinel

1helm install -n velero \
2--set auth.basic.password=$HTTP_BASIC_AUTH_PASSWORD \
3--set notifications.amqp.[0].password=$SECRET_PASSWORD \